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Vaccination Programmes Book On Epidemiology, and Monitoring

book ‘Vaccination Programmes | Epidemiology, Monitoring, Evaluation’

Our P95 colleague Kaatje Bollaerts is excited to announce that the book ‘Vaccination Programmes | Epidemiology, Monitoring, Evaluation’ by Susan Hahné, Kaatje Bollaerts, and Paddy Farrington is now available to all to view and use online through a new open-access grant provided by CEPI.

Aimed at those involved, or planning to be involved, in many aspects of vaccination programmes, including public health professionals and epidemiologists, the book explores epidemiologic methods that can be used to study, in real life, their impacts, benefits, and risks.

book Abstract

Vaccination programmes are of vital importance to public health and are present in virtually every country in the world. By promoting an understanding of their diverse effects, this textbook discusses how epidemiologic methods can be used to study, in real life, their impacts, benefits and risks.

Written by expert practitioners in an accessible and concise style, this book is interspersed with practical examples that allow readers to acquire understanding through real-life data and problems. Part I provides an overview of basic concepts in vaccinology, immunology, vaccination programmes, infectious disease transmission dynamics, the various impacts of vaccination programmes and their societal context. Part II covers the main field tools used for the epidemiological evaluation of vaccination programmes: monitoring coverage and attitudes towards vaccination, surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases and pathogens, seroepidemiological studies, methods to assess impact and outbreak investigation. Part III is dedicated to vaccine effectiveness and its assessment. Part IV includes an overview of the potential risks of vaccination and how to study these. Lastly, Part V deals with methods for an integrated assessment of benefits and risks of vaccination programs.

Read the book here


Pioneering Clinical Excellence in Vaccines and Infectious Diseases



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