P95 Transforming Exercise into Charitable Impact

At P95 Exercise Time Equals Charitable Impact 1

At P95, we believe in the power of movement – not just as a means to personal health, but as a catalyst for global change. Our Strava group, an initiative that promotes health and fitness within the team, has successfully translated the time logged over the last year into substantial donations for three charities that make a real difference.

  1. Project for People: Enhancing the Kalyanpur Outdoor Clinic in India to provide essential healthcare services, nutritional support, and education for over 1000 mothers and children
  2. Amazon Conservation: Combining science, innovation and people to safeguard the Amazon rainforest
  3. JustDiggit: Leading reforestation efforts in Kenya and Tanzania

A sincere thank you to all P95 colleagues and the Strava management team who supported this charitable mission. Let’s keep the momentum and continue to log our activities for a greater cause.